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Crisis Management: you can prepare for natural disasters, not stupidity

In the last month a large number of enterprises were flooded by unseasonal and incessant rain; the situation was such that people shelved differences and collectively in unison worked to save human lives. Stories of valor and selflessness published and circulated on social media gladdened the heart


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Crisis Management: you can prepare for natural disasters, not stupidity

In the last month a large number of enterprises were flooded by unseasonal and incessant rain; the situation was such that people shelved differences and collectively in unison worked to save human lives. Stories of valor and selflessness published and circulated on social media gladdened the heart wanting to reach out to make a difference. If anyone did think about loss of property or submerged data centers, wisely they did not air their concerns lest be seen as insensitive to the disaster and loss of human lives. Nature’s fury has no answer, we prepare for what we can imagine and what we get the budget for; the rest is assumed to unimportant not to attract attention or funding. This is despite the fact that many enterprises have suffered due to their oversight, inattention, or plain simple apathy towards their critical infrastructure, IT being a prominent part of it. In the three decades in the (IT) industry, I have seen a lot of things go wrong, experiencing some natural calamities and many more avoidable manmade disasters. When I started my work life, mini computers were just beginning to gain interest, and my role included advise customers on how to set up Computer Rooms (yes that was the term used, there were no Data Centers then), power stability, routing of cables and the general stuff that we take for granted now. Customers would end up allotting basements, terraces, under the staircase, next to the elevator shaft, space locked in the middle of the office, and crunched space after all the executive cabins were provided for. No amount of suggestions or fear of disruption made them reconsider; it was as if the temple of computing (you had to take off your footwear before entering the computer room) did not merit the importance that hardware providers demanded. My first tryst with natures’ fury happened with basements in a business district getting flooded with floating mainframes and submerged UPSes. It took almost 2 weeks for the impacted to recover leaving aside data loss from which some never recovered; history repeated itself again twice in a span of a decade. People started moving the computer rooms upward locating them on higher floors much against the ire of the well-heeled executives who wanted the vantage window view and corner; servers needed backup window air-conditioning, until commercial data centers and improving networks made it feasible to outsource them. Clouds, ISPs and hosted applications made way for elimination of the hardware from the equation of things to manage. For the laggards and those who believe they can do better themselves they continue to face challenges. Unfortunately stupidity manifests itself in many ways which cannot be obviated; the internet has many stories of engineers and users who have tickled the funny bone while they had to manage the effects of their actions with fried servers to roasted peripherals. The case of a factory gate pass system on the cloud has been told in many forums on how not to use the cloud or for that matter how the CEO fired the CIO and the entire IT team with their inability to fix his computer (he had forgotten the wall power switch). Today the cart has been put in front of the horse many times with technology being imposed on the hapless in a quest to find the question to which they can be the answer. These are justified with same old anecdotes of disruptive companies having grown larger than life. There is little evidence that any of the followers have made any significant impact. IoT will change the world, Beacons will disrupt your life, Wearables are the next big thing, aggregators of the world unite; we have nothing to lose except the investor’s money. Coming back to natural disasters, we try to save a planet for our benefit which has survived evolution of mankind and will probably live beyond its extinction too. We want it to remain habitable to our liking preserving the development we have indulged in precariously in proximity to water as well as hilly regions. Nature keeps reminding us our fragility and place in the ecosystem; my sympathies with the ones who lost a lot more than their personal belongings, their lives disrupted within a few days never to be the same. Let us all put together our resources and energy to do what we can to reduce the impact of the fury that we cannot control. Source : Dec 18, 2015 linkedin.com written by Arun Gupta (Ex-CIO, Mentor, Coach, Consultant, Trainer, Entrepreneur) Compiled by www.lmsindia.in

16 Ways to Create Your Own Happiness at Work

Let’s face it, happiness and work do not tend to go hand in hand. A 2013 Gallup study, which reported data from more than 180 million people, found that just 13% of us consider ourselves to be “happily engaged at work.” Those who do rate themselves as happy are 36% more motivated, six times more energized, and twice as productive as their unhappy counterparts. The good news is that just 50% of happiness is influenced by genetics—the rest is up to you. When it comes to making yourself happy, you need to learn what works for you. Once you discover this, everything else tends to fall into place. And making yourself happy doesn’t just improve your performance; it’s also good for your health. A critical skill set that happy people tend to have in common is emotional intelligence (EQ). At TalentSmart, we’ve tested the EQs of more than a million people and know what makes high EQ people tick. So, we went digging until we found 16 great ways that emotionally intelligent people create their own happiness at work. 1. Remember That You Are In Charge of Your Own Happiness You have two choices in any dead-end job: find another one or make the most of the one you’re stuck with. Either way, your happiness is up to you and no one else. Remind yourself of this anytime you’re feeling stuck. 2. Don’t Obsess over Things You Can’t Control It’s good to know how Greece’s economic troubles might affect US markets or that your company could merge with its largest competitor, but there’s a big difference between understanding these larger forces and worrying about them. Happy people are ready and informed, but they don’t allow themselves to fret over things that are beyond their pay grades. 3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Other People When your sense of pleasure and satisfaction are derived from comparing yourself to others, you are no longer the master of your own happiness. When you feel good about something that you’ve done, don’t allow anyone’s opinions or accomplishments take that away from you. While it’s impossible to turn off your reactions to what others think of you, you don’t have to compare yourself to others, and you can always take people’s opinions with a grain of salt. That way, no matter what other people are thinking or doing, your self-worth comes from within. Regardless of what people think of you at any particular moment, one thing is certain—you’re never as good or bad as they say you are. 4. Reward Yourself Working hard is important, but never allowing yourself to take a break is detrimental to your happiness. A study of radiologists found that they made more accurate diagnoses when they received small rewards prior to reviewing patients’ charts. A Cornell study found that small rewards make people more generous, friendly, and happy. These small “thrills” also made people more productive and accurate in their work. Rewards activate the pleasure pathway in your brain, even if they are self-induced. Effective rewards can be small things such as taking a walk down the hall or eating a snack. 5. Exercise During the Work Week Getting your body moving for as little as 10 minutes releases GABA, a soothing neurotransmitter that also limits impulsivity. A University of Bristol study showed that people who exercised on workdays reported improvements in time management, mood, and performance. The benefits of exercise always outweigh the time lost in its pursuit. 6. Don’t Judge and Gossip Judging other people and speaking poorly of them is a lot like overindulging in a decadent dessert; it feels good while you’re doing it, but afterwards, you feel guilty and sick. When you’re tempted to speak of someone else in a way that might be negative, just ask yourself if you’d want someone saying the same about you. 7. Choose Your Battles Wisely Emotionally intelligent people know how important it is to live to fight another day. In conflict, unchecked emotion makes you dig your heels in and fight the kind of battle that can leave you severely damaged and unhappy for some time to come. When you read and respond to your emotions, you’re able to choose your battles wisely and only stand your ground when the time is right. 8. Stay True to Yourself Crossing moral boundaries in the name of success is a sure-fire path to unhappiness. Violating your personal standards creates feelings of regret, dissatisfaction, and demotivation. Know when to stand your ground and express dissent when someone wants you to do something that you know you shouldn’t. When you’re feeling confused, take some time to review your values and write them down. This will help you to locate your moral compass. 9. Clear the Clutter I don’t need to remind you of how much time you spend at work. Take a good look at your workspace. You should create a space that’s soothing and uplifting. Whether it’s a picture of your family, a plant, or an award that you’re proud of, display them prominently to keep them on your mind. Get rid of the junk and clutter that hold no significance and do nothing positive for your mental state. 10. Give Someone A Hand Taking the time to help your colleagues not only makes them happy, but it also makes you happy. Helping other people gives you a surge of oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine, all of which create good feelings. In a Harvard study, employees who helped others were 10 times more likely to be focused at work and 40% more likely to get a promotion. The same study showed that people who consistently provided social support were the most likely to be happy during times of high stress. As long as you make certain that you aren’t overcommitting yourself, helping others is sure to have a positive influence on your happiness. 11. Let Your Strengths Flow A University of Chicago study of peak performance found that people who were able to reach an intense state of focus, called flow, reaped massive benefits. Flow is the state of mind in which you find yourself completely engrossed in a project or task, and you lose awareness of the passage of time and other external distractions. Flow is often described as an exhilarating state in which you feel euphoria and mastery simultaneously. The result is not just happiness and productivity but also the development of new skills through a heightened state of learning. The key to reaching flow lies in organizing your tasks such that you have immediate and clear goals to pursue that play to your strengths. As you begin working on these tasks, your focus increases along with your feelings of adequacy. In time, you reach a flow state, in which productivity and happiness flourish. Set clear goals each day and experiment with task order until you find the secret formula that gets you flowing. 12. Smile and Laugh More A study at Mannheim University in Germany demonstrated that we can actually manipulate our emotions by changing our facial expressions. One group of participants held a pen in their mouth horizontally, which forces a smile. When asked to rate how funny a cartoon was, the participants holding pens in their mouths found the cartoons much funnier than participants without pens. As the study shows, it doesn’t matter if your smile is genuine because your facial expression can precede the feeling. If you find yourself in a negative spiral at work, slow down and smile or watch a funny video on YouTube. This mood boost can turn your day around. 13. Stay Away From Negative People Complainers and negative people are bad news because they wallow in their problems and fail to focus on solutions. They want people to join their pity party so that they can feel better about themselves. People often feel pressure to listen to complainers because they don’t want to be seen as callous or rude, but there’s a fine line between lending a sympathetic ear and getting sucked into their negative emotional spirals. You can avoid getting drawn in only by setting limits and distancing yourself when necessary. Think of it this way: If a person were smoking, would you sit there all afternoon inhaling the second-hand smoke? You’d distance yourself, and you should do the same with negative people. A great way to set limits is to ask them how they intend to fix their problems. The complainer will then either quiet down or redirect the conversation in a productive direction. 14. Laugh at Yourself When you take yourself too seriously at work your happiness and performance suffer. Don’t be afraid to show a little vulnerability. Something as simple as laughing at yourself draws people to you because it shows them that you’re humble and grounded (it also keeps them from laughing behind your back). Happy people balance their self-confidence with a good sense of humor and humility. 15. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude It’s all too easy to get caught up in things that could have been different or didn’t turn out the way you wanted them to. Sometimes the best way to pull your mind away from negativity is to step back and contemplate what you’re grateful for. Taking time to reflect on the good in your life improves your mood because it reduces the stress hormone cortisol by 23%. Research conducted at the University of California, Davis, found that people who worked daily to cultivate an attitude of gratitude experienced improved mood, energy, and physical wellbeing 16. Believe the Best Is Yet to Come Don’t just tell yourself that the best is yet to come—believe it. Having a positive, optimistic outlook on the future doesn’t just make you happier; it also improves your performance by increasing your sense of self-efficacy. The mind has a tendency to magnify past pleasure to such a great degree that the present pales in comparison. This phenomenon can make you lose faith in the power of the future to outdo what you’ve already experienced. Don’t be fooled. Believe in the great things the future has in store. Bringing It All Together Applying these strategies won’t just improve your happiness at work; most of them will also improve your emotional intelligence. Pick those that resonate with you and have fun with them. And please share what makes you happy at work in the comments section.

IBM is denying reports that it could cut more than a quarter of its workforce – 110,000 people –

The layoffs would be far fewer, \"only a few thousands,\" IBM says. Forbes\' Robert Cringely, who wrote the initial report on Project Chrome, \"the biggest reorganization in IBM history,\" explains here why he thinks IBM is cutting hairs and is indeed laying off people without saying so. Here\'s some advice from Influencer J.T. O\'Donnell if you\'re an IBM employee. Peter E. Greulich is a quarter-century veteran of the company. He writes a harrowing tale of what an IBM \"resource action day\" – i.e. mass layoffs – looks like.

Rajan for Relook at Campus Hiring Policy in Banks

Banks have sought government support in areas like empowering them in recruitment and compensation decisions for attracting better talent. Top bankers of the country had gathered in Pune to draw up a blueprint for reforms of the banking sector and made presentations to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan also attended the retreat. In the two-day bankers\' conclave, the government clearly asked the lenders to be free in expressing their views and ideas. Stressing on the need for public sector banks to recruit young talent, train, and retain them, Mr Rajan said, \"The government needs to have a relook at the campus recruitment which at present is banned because of a Supreme Court ruling.\" Mr Jaitley also said there is a need to give greater autonomy to banks. \"There is a need to get the best talent into the system. There is a need for far greater autonomy being given to them (state-run banks),\" he said. Source : Jan 03, 2015 http://profit.ndtv.com Compiled by www.lmsindia.in

1,000 Salespeople Called This CEO a Jerk by Brian de Haaff

I seem to have touched a nerve. When I wrote Why This CEO Will Never Hire Another Salesperson last week, I had no idea that it would create a firestorm. I have written hundreds of blog posts over the years, and this one got people more fired up than any other. I was flattered but also a bit concerned. Over 450,000 people read that article and tons of folks had interesting things to say. Over 2,500 people shared their thoughts in three ways: by commenting on the post, by mailing me directly, and by asking to connect on LinkedIn. Here is a small sampling of what they wrote: The angry Are you purposely trying to put people who work in your industry out of a job? Do you have any idea how much damage you\'ve just done? This is how we feed our families, you arrogant jerk. The inspired I have been having various Sales and Management positions in my 20-year career in IT. I have always felt that the way we do Sales is somehow fundamentally wrong, but I haven’t managed to formulate it so clearly as Brian. The thoughtful As a \'salesperson\' and former VP of Sales, I cringed at the introduction, but as in all things that produce growth, pain is good! You nailed it! Whatever you believe, I want to expand on some of my assertions and make a few clarifying points: Customers are now in control In the past, the job of a salesperson was to convince prospects to trade money in exchange for whatever they were selling. But we have moved from the age of the seller to the age of the customer. Customers have access to instant information, are empowered to share their opinions about products and services, and have more alternatives than ever before. Continue to ignore this and you may become irrelevant. The function of sales is being transformed One person commented and asked if a company had bad manufacturing, would they stop manufacturing altogether? Absolutely not -- there would be no product. This question highlighted a misunderstanding of what I wrote. This is not about \"bad\" sales people, and as I stated, \"There will always be people who work with customers.\" This is about what customers know, need, and how we can best interact with them. I do not believe that commission based selling creates the best outcomes for the customer or company. Yes, I have hired and worked with some great salespeople I think a lot of people with business development, account management, and sales in their job title felt threatened and did not try to think through the implications of what I was suggesting. I have worked with lots of talented salespeople. I firmly stand by the idea that informed prospects want to buy and not be sold to. Our Aha! Customer Success team is not just another name for Sales * They do not have a quota * They do not prospect * They are not compensated when a customer signs up * They manage all customer interactions (both before and after a customer has purchased our service) The idea that commissioned-based approaches to sales is under threat applies to technology, but other industries are being transformed as well. The auto industry is also backing away from commission models. Instead, billion-dollar brands like Tesla [NASDAQ: TSLA] are making the bold choice to position themselves as intentionally different. This means Tesla sales teams are not motivated by commission. It clearly states on the Telsa careers website that new hires will epitomize the no hassle, low pressure Tesla sales experience. I wrote the piece, so it is a reflection of what I believe and how we run Aha! I am not alone in my thinking and I accept the various insults and appreciate the compliments. I know that contrarian ideas are often considered heretical before they are understood or become the norm. Source : Jan 26, 2015 linkedin.com written by Brian de Haaff (CEO, Aha! -- #1 product roadmap software) Compiled by www.lmsindia.in

The Biggest Mistakes See on Resumesby Laszlo BockInfluencer (SVP, People Operations at Google)

The Biggest Mistakes See on Resumes, top 8 questions I was blown away that my first article got over 2 million views. I\'ve always been passionate about helping people find good jobs. But my advice in \"The Biggest Mistakes I See on Resumes\" was just a starting point: the basic stuff we all need to nail to get to that interview. (And remember, the ONLY purpose of a resume is to get you that interview!) Among the 3,500+ comments, eight questions came up again and again. Since these posts are my 20% time project I can’t respond to each person. But so many people are facing the same issues that I want to address the biggest ones. One caveat: these are my opinions, not official company policy. My qualifications are that I\'ve personally reviewed more than 20,000 resumes, coached hundreds of high school and college students, veterans, and people of every age on how to get a job, and lead a recruiting machine that has seen over 20 million applications. But there\'s still a bunch of stuff I don\'t know, so take what I write with a grain of salt. Now, on to your questions: 1. Should I have keywords and jargon on my resume? Yes, alas, but put them in their own section. A major part of why we have unemployment - and why finding a job is so hard - is because resumes are awful at conveying who you really are and companies stink at screening resumes . Too many companies rely on clumsy software products that sort and filter resumes based on keywords. And too many recruiters do the same thing, looking for fancy schools or company names instead of at what you actually did. (Google applications are screened by real, live people.) Crummy as that is, it\'s reality. So for now, if you\'re in a technical field, have a section where you list all your programming languages. If you\'re in other professions, you may want to extract the buzzwords from the job posting and have a \"skills\" section (doesn\'t matter what you call it) where you can park your laundry list of jargon. Don\'t waste space on verbs. Just have a list. Save your compelling writing for the bullet points under each job. Lifehacker has some other good suggestions for getting past the machines. And I\'m optimistic that somewhere out there someone is building a MUCH better system for inferring who you really are and understanding what employers really need. 2. Should I pay someone to write my resume? Nope. See my post here on how to write a resume that will get you noticed. Even better, find someone like you who already has the job you want. If you\'re a veteran, find someone from your service who works in the job and company you want. If you\'re a student, find an alumna/-us who has your dream job (your career center will have resume books you can mine). Emulate their resume. (Notice I didn\'t say \"copy\" ... big difference!) Look at how they described their experiences and accomplishments. They wrote things in a way that got noticed. They got it right. Do what they did. Don\'t waste your money on something you can get for free. 3. Should I include organizations where I worked more than 20 years ago? You don\'t need to. For a competent hiring manager, your early experience isn\'t relevant. No one cares that I worked at an Olive Garden 20+ years ago. So on my resume I can pick some arbitrary cut-off point, have a \"Prior experience\" section, and summarize that I worked at a range of jobs in restaurants, non-profits, and manufacturing. 4. Do resumes predict performance? I haven\'t seen anything to suggest they do. Resumes are a very poor information source. Work sample tests are actually the best predictor of performance, followed by tests of cognitive ability, which are best assessed using structured interviews. I’ve got three chapters explaining how you can become a world class interviewer in my book WORK RULES!, coming out in April, if you’re interested in learning more. 5. The best people don\'t always have the best resumes. Excluding someone because of a typo is stupid and you\'re a horrible person for doing that. Ok, (a) that\'s not a question. And (b), I confess that I do occasionally overlook an error, for example if the person writing the resume isn\'t a native English speaker. But (c), from the recruiter\'s perspective, if they have a choice between two equally impressive resumes, I think we can agree that the one that says \"professional booger\" instead of \"blogger\" is probably not going to get a call. 6. Shouldn\'t HR departments and recruiters work harder to find the best people? Why put the blame on the job seeker? I want everyone to have the best possible chance of landing their dream job. That means controlling the parts of the application process you can. You can control every single word on your resume. You can\'t control the quality of the person reading it. But I will tell you that at recruiting firms they only get paid for filling jobs, so they do look hard at applications. What they see is in your control. 7. I\'m a mom (or dad) coming back into the workforce after time off with my child. How do I explain the time off? Don\'t apologize and don\'t hide. Put down that you took time off for your family. If you volunteered or did part-time work, list that too, but own your decision. Parents who have left the workforce and are coming back in are one of the biggest untapped sources of talent for recruiters. We get that at Google, and more and more other companies are starting to see it too. 8. Hey! You had a typo in your post! Yes, but I promise you my resume is pristine! ;) ======= Source : Jan 26, 2015 linkedin.com written by Laszlo BockInfluencer (SVP, People Operations at Google) Compiled by www.lmsindia.in

New hiring paradigms

The recruitment industry in India will witness several inventive hiring paradigms. The techniques of gamification, crowd sourcing and referral hiring will increasingly be used in the coming months. Social recruiting, which until last year was a new concept has already entered the mainstream hiring process. Technology solutions make junior and mid-level hiring more convenient, and thus, in sourcing and RPO will become big in fluencers in the market.

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